The Probiotic Diet Strategy to Lose Weight

 The Probiotic Diet Strategy to Lose Weight

The probiotic diet strategy can be used as part of a healthy weight loss plan or as an effective way to prevent future weight gain. These good bacteria can help reduce your waistline while also helping you feel better in other ways, too. It’s important to choose the right probiotic supplement in order to ensure that it gets into your system and stays there, so we’ll tell you about some of the best options on the market and show you how to put this diet strategy into action in your daily life.

What Is a Probiotic Diet?

Our bodies have trillions of microorganisms within them, known as microbiota. The digestive tract alone contains more than 800 species of microbes. Most are in symbiosis with us, which is why they’re referred to as friendly or good bacteria. In fact, they outnumber our own cells 10-to-1, meaning that we really can’t live without them (1). But how exactly do these little guys help us? Well, several research studies show that consuming probiotics can improve digestive health by increasing gut flora diversity and replenishing beneficial bacteria (2). Additionally, some strains of bacteria may even help people lose weight!

How Does A Probiotic Diet Work?

A probiotic diet is a diet that focuses on eating prebiotics and probiotics. The idea behind it is that prebiotics and probiotics both help digestion and are generally good for your health, but we don’t get enough of them in our regular diets. So, a probiotic diet focuses on foods that have more of these good bacteria; it’s essentially just eating healthy and fiber-rich foods. If you are thinking about starting a probiotic diet, there are some things you should know first: Starting a diet like a probiotic one can be difficult because it will require you to buy new groceries.

What Foods Should I Eat on a Probiotic Diet?

The general rule is that foods fermented with live probiotics are allowed on a probiotic diet. These include all types of yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir and kimchi. Additionally, non-dairy beverages are okay like kombucha and homemade ginger ale. Dairy products also count as probiotics if they’re cultured; these include cheeses like Brie and Camembert as well as yogurt like gouda. It’s important to note that you should avoid taking antibiotics when following a probiotic diet. The goal is for your microbiome to be at its best so you can take advantage of maximum health benefits from eating properly cultured foods.

What If My Stomach Hurts on a Probiotic Diet?

The idea of a probiotic diet may sound strange, but it's actually been around for thousands of years. What if you're eating all kinds of healthy foods, but your stomach still hurts? You probably need more probiotics in your diet. The good news is that it’s not hard to get more probiotics into your life -- they’re found in most yogurts, kefirs and fermented vegetables and there are probiotic supplements on shelves too. The bad news is that most food products don't have as many live bacteria as you need.

How Long Should I Stay On This Diet?

While there is no clear-cut number of days for you to stay on a probiotic diet for weight loss, it is recommended that you remain on your new diet plan at least 30 days. This will give your body enough time to adjust and begin functioning properly. When you reach 30 days, it's recommended that you follow up with a 7-day cleanse before reintroducing any foods into your system. (It's important to avoid all dairy during these 7 days.)

Where Can I Find Recipes For This Diet?

The goal of a probiotic diet is to introduce probiotics that are good for digestion and overall health. To make sure you’re getting enough probiotics, you’ll need to eat foods like yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut—although it might take some time before they’re really working their magic. That’s why it's helpful to set yourself up with a few go-to recipes featuring fermented ingredients. Sauerkraut is one of my favorite ways to get a dose of lacto-fermented goodness into my meals—it’s an easy way to add flavor and texture as well as healthy gut bacteria.

Will I See Results From This Diet Immediately?

No. Since probiotics aid in weight loss by increasing levels of good bacteria in your gut, and because these bacterial populations take time to replenish, it may take a few weeks for you to start seeing results from a probiotic diet. In fact, studies show that some participants didn’t experience any weight loss at all after following a probiotic regimen for four weeks—but others did! As always, talk with your doctor before making any dietary changes or starting any new exercise routine.

What If I Want To Continue Eating Like This Even After I Reach My Goal Weight?

One challenge of dieting is that people are often so focused on losing weight that they don’t think much about what they’ll do when they get there. In some cases, as a result, things can actually get harder after you reach your goal. Once you lose weight, you may find yourself eating even more calories and mindlessly munching throughout the day because you’re no longer monitoring what you eat or counting calories. When people gain weight back after dieting, it's often because their eating habits return to where they were before their diet began—and not necessarily because anyone quit exercising or upped their calorie intake.

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